Lasting connections & results

Want to keep your members satisfied for longer? Help them set and track progress towards goals. And access programs and workouts to make the most of their visits.

Motivate and encourage members on with coaching and training capabilities directly within your gym software and gym member app. Build workouts. Create targeted training programs. Track activity.

Give your members and personal trainers (PTs) the tools they need to succeed with Xplor Gym.

Member-centric fitness experiences

Better training & workouts

Make every visit count. Help members get more from their membership with programs and workouts that align to their goals.

Impressive coaching experiences

Increase demand for personal training with the right digital tools. Easy for members to access. Strong communications.

Empower personal trainers

Retain top talent by arming your PTs with coaching tools they can use to achieve success. Straight forward, helpful functionality.

Powerful personal training tools for you and your team

Motivate and guide members throughout their journey with you. Give your PTs the tools they need to succeed. It’s a win-win with coaching tools directly in your gym management software!

Trainer Tools 

Delight your PTs

Give your PTs access to digital tools to power better training experiences for your members. Retaining your best trainers and coaches will help you retain more members too.

In-built coaching tools within Xplor Gym will let your team:

  • Digitally provide programs aligned to individual member goals and preferences
  • Receive requests from members looking for new workouts
  • View member progress, workouts, and more
  • Communicate directly with members who feedback on workouts completed

So, you keep your PTs and members for longer. 

Build Workouts

Guide members through their sessions

Help members make the most of every visit with workouts available via your app. Choose to make some workouts available to all members. And let your team create these for members who choose personal training. 

Build workouts that are aligned to specific member goals, to focus on certain muscle groups, for different experience levels, for particular training durations, and more.  

Choose from an extensive exercise library featuring how to videos (and create your own exercises). Specify exact requirements for each exercise (e.g. sets, reps, distance, speed, weight etc.). 

Choose to make workouts available to all members and for all trainers to choose from. And let trainers create their own workouts from scratch or adapted from those you’ve created for your gym. 

Want to ask a question?

We’re here to help. Get in touch to speak to a member experience expert.

Ready to work smarter not harder?

Book your demo to see Xplor Gym in action with a personalised walk through.