Build exceptional member experiences

Members want more control over their fitness and wellbeing than ever before. You need to be ready to give members the options and experiences they are looking for.

You need gym membership software that lets you digitally transform your business. Software that will let you create carefully designed member experiences. With the right features to keep members motivated on their journey with you.

Powerful gym membership software

Entire journey in one place

All-in-one gym membership management software that lets you manage the entire member journey. Create consistent, high impact member experiences.

Built to motivate and engage

Customisable, fitness centre membership software that lets you create member experiences that keep members coming back.

Always up to date and evolving

With a cloud-based, completely digital gym membership management system, you’ll stay ahead. Automatically get regular updates and new features.

All the features you need for better member experiences

Build the exact service and solution you want for your members and business with Xplor Gym. Futureproof your business. Grow without obstacles. And keep adapting to new opportunities that arise. Keep your members satisfied now and long into the future. 

Gym membership management

Build loyalty through member understanding 

Want to create memorable experiences that build member loyalty? You need to know your members really well on an individual level. 

As you scale your business it becomes tough to get to know each member. That’s where software comes in. As end-to-end gym membership management software, Xplor Gym shows you everything you need to know about a member. 

All your data is in one place, with no need to switch systems and no inconsistencies. You and your team will have the member data you need to serve and have meaningful conversations with each member at your fingertips. 

Recurring memberships

Take the hassle out of memberships and billing 

Memberships are essential to your business. With Xplor Gym you can easily create the packages you want to offer members. 

With an all-in-one gym membership management system, member billing will be handled for you. Create flexible schedules for billing. Set up discounts and promotions. And much more. 

Keep your members happy, with any payment queries answered fast. Our friendly contact centre team are on hand to act as an extension of your team. Answering questions and resolving issues fast. 

With our technology and team working for your business, you’ll avoid awkward conversations about payments. And there’s no chasing overdue and missed payments. 


Connect with your members on through personalised communications 

Create memorable experiences with the right communications. Always send email and SMS messages that resonate with your members on a personal level.  

Send marketing and operational communications straight from your gym membership software. Build email and SMS journeys for members at every stage of their journey with you. From that first interaction, through to signing up for a membership, and beyond.  

Marketing automation features put you in control of member communications. Set up triggers at key milestones to automatically send an impactful, personalised email or text message. Show your members you care and inspire them to stick with you. 

Segment your members to build target groups with shared characteristics and interests. Send targeted marketing communications that are tailored to each member. 

Digital Member Self-Service & Mobile App 

Give your members more control

Meet member expectations right from the get-go with online joining technology. Make it easy for members to sign-up when, where, and how they want with online joining that’s integrated into your website.

Let members book classes and activities online and via your own branded app – no phone calls needed. With Xplor Gym, members can easily book using their preferred device. Plus, functionality like waitlists help you create stand out experiences and run classes at maximum capacity. 

Members can also use your app to set and track progress towards their individual goals. Plus, you can choose to use the app to let members request and receive personalised workouts from your personal trainers. 

Access Control 

Automate access control for frictionless entry 

Members need to be able to make use of their membership with seamless access to your facilities. Xplor Gym makes frictionless entry possible with integrated, automated access control

Manage access automatically as memberships start, are suspended or frozen, and end. Create access rules to address missed and failed membership payments. And once a catch-up payment has been made, automatically grant entry again. 

Reduce plastic use with dynamic QR codes for entry. Plus, dynamic QR codes reduce fraudulent access from code sharing. And let new members start using their membership immediately with mobile app access. 

Choose Xplor Gym for less admin & more time for members

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